Bespoke Programs For Any Fitness Level Or Goal


Programs & Rates

in-person personal trainng

The highest level of professional service available at NC Fitness. Dedicated one on one training in person. This allows you to access the full wealth of advice and services I can offer. All sessions take place in a clean, private studio with WiFi, facilities, and free onsite parking.

online personal trainng

Perfect for when price, distance or availability for in person training is compromised. Online personal training with NC Fitness will deliver amazing results to those who are a little better at motivating themselves – the perfect service for amateur athletes who play a sport or compete in races.

Cancellation Policy

There is a 24hr cancellation policy on all sessions. Should any session be cancelled within this period the full fee will still be charged. If it is part of a multi-session package the session will be lost. Any waiver to this will be at the discretion of NC Fitness.

The Benefits

Full Support

From personalised programme design and encouragement to dietary and lifestyle advice, I will be there for you every step of the way. We will have regular communication between sessions, and I am always open for additional advice and queries.


Take the guesswork out of your health and fitness. Whether it’s online or in person, my professional knowledge will ensure you get the very best out of yourself in all areas of your life.


From goal setting and challenges to weigh-ins and check-ins, the accountability I provide will help to keep you on track.


Enjoy training in a private studio with a highly experienced trainer who respects your privacy. All details and discussions are held in the strictest confidence as we work towards your goals.  

what's involved

What’s involved in personal training with NC Fitness – The Path to Lasting Success.

If you’ve never used a personal trainer before, you will know doubt be wondering what’s involved. The steps below outline a typical approach taken with a new client after they have made an enquiry.

A complimentary consultation process lasting approximately 1 hour is conducted. This allows us both to meet and get to know each other a little bit better. Think of it as an ice breaker. For in person clients this process is conducted in the gym, allowing you familiarise yourself with the venue. For online clients I like to do a video call, as it’s always nice to put a face to the name.

Questions will be asked to ascertain your goals, gain insight into your health, exercise history, as well as dietary and lifestyle habits. From there a movement screening is conducted, which lets me see how the body performs in various planes of motion. If fat loss is a goal initial weight and measurements are taken. All this information is then collated by myself to design the best possible training programme for your specific needs.

A report of my initial findings will be emailed over to you, along with my proposed training programme and plan of action. Provided you are happy with this you are ready to get started properly with NC Fitness!

Payment details will be sent across along with a formal starter form, and any other additional information you may need. A message will be sent inviting you to the NC Fitness Community WhatsApp Group, a friendly online space where clients can support each other on their fitness journeys.

This is always about seeing where you’re at in terms of intensity. It’s generally quite a soft introduction, but you will certainly feel like you’ve worked the muscles in the day or two after the session! If you require a dietary analysis you will also be completing a photographic food diary during this week. For online clients you will video yourself performing each of the exercises, allowing me to give feedback on technique and any adjustments you need to make.

We will see a gradual build up in the intensity of the workouts (don’t be scared, this will be done in relation to your individual fitness level). A good exercise programme is always adaptable, any changes required will be made at this point. A report on the food diary will be made, along with an action plan outlining sustainable changes to make. If you are only training in person once per week, an additional workout will be provided for you to complete 1-2 each week on your own at this point. For fat loss clients a mid-point weigh in will be conducted.

The training ramps up as you become more comfortable in your routine. At this stage confidence will be growing, and you should start to feel a difference in your fitness levels. This is where it starts to get fun!

A typical training cycle lasts 4-6 weeks. A slightly easier workout will be used to allow the body to recover and bed in its new adaptations in fitness. Fat loss clients will receive another weigh-in along with measurements of waist, hip and limbs. Feedback will be obtained on how the client is enjoying the process, along with any adjustments that can be made. A new programme is made to ensure continued progression.

By this point you will have settled into a new routine. All we do do now is keep moving forwards and setting the bar higher each time.


Absolutely. The old image of the personal trainer standing over you whilst barking orders is out-dated. I love being able to put people at ease in the gym environment whilst building their confidence to exercise. It’s all about finding your level, and improving your fitness one step at a time. You’ll be amazed how far you can progress in just a few weeks.

Yes. Your diet plays a huge role in achieving your health and fitness goals, especially if one of those goals is weight loss. After completing a food diary we will assess your nutritional needs by making sustainable changes that set you on the path for long term success. Regular weigh-ins as well as body measurements can help keep you accountable after that.

In our modern world of technology, connectivity, and apps everything is a quick tap or swipe away. But our bodies are different, the reality is they take a bit of time to adapt to a new regime. You will start to feel stronger and fitter in as little as 4 weeks, in 8 weeks you will notice a change in your appearance, and by 12 weeks your friends and loved ones will notice that change as well.

A typical training session lasts approximately 1hr.

On the contrary, the older you get the more important it is to maintain your strength. It will maximise your quality of life by increasing your functional capacity and maintaining bone density. NC Fitness has extensive experience in training older clientele, giving you the confidence to know that your exercising safely and effectively.

100% yes. The science is now proving beyond any doubt that regular strength training will enhance athletic performance across every discipline. Whether you are competitive, or just enjoy a sport to socialise, strength training will help you perform at your best whilst reducing the likelihood of injury.

I will create a running programme that is custom designed to your needs. Factors such as time to train, current fitness levels and any performance goals will all be taken into consideration. Combined with running specific gym work, the programme will allow you to arrive at the start line in peak condition.

The research continually shows that those undertaking a gym routine achieve significantly better results using a personal trainer. Think of it as in investment in yourself, and a process that allows you to become the best version of you. If in-person training is too expensive, the online platform offers a far more affordable option. Finally, there are stand alone programmes and nutritional services for those who are happy to do without the accountability that having a trainer provides.

Online training can achieve fantastic results. Accountability is provided via weekly check-ins, as well as a customised gym programme with feedback on exercise technique. This gives you the confidence to ensure you are training safely and effectively. Provided you are motivated to perform the prescribed workouts yourself, online training provides a more affordable form of personal training, whilst removing the barriers of geography and time restriction compared to in-person training.

The majority of clients see me once a week. With this you will be expected to complete 1-2 additional workouts by yourself. For clients who benefit from that little extra motivation 2 sessions a week works best. If you’re looking to maximise and speed up results, then 3 sessions a week is for you. It is all a balance between cost, availability and the level of service you are looking for.

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